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#1958 FAVORITE BRICK FRIDAY: 21459 Minifigure Katana

For this week’s favourite brick Friday, we showcase builders who have used the minifigure katana in creative ways! The part was first released in 1998, went through a re-mould in 2015, and is now available in 12 colours!

Featured builders:

Micro castle, Rahksi, and blue bird by @nikifilik on Instagram Snail by @hubba_blooba on Instagram Palm tree by @donutsftw_designs on Instagram Crow by @uncharted_fabrications on Instagram Nest by @margits_mocs on Instagram Colourful bird by Julia Wondra on Flickr Praying mantis by Takamichi Irie on Flickr Mosquito by ninjabuilder13 on Rebrickable Compass by @betabrick on Instagram Samba dancer by LasseD on Rebrickable Prism by @spacebunny609 on Instagram


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