Despite not being real food, these MOCs are nutritious enough to inspire builders like you! Let's apply the two methods we learnt about in our last food post, post #2076, and dissect how they're built.
KosBrick (@kosbrick) on Flickr:
Jonas Wide (@widelego) on Flickr:
ArzLan (@arzlan_lego) on Flickr:
nobu_tary (@nobu_tary) on Flickr:
Joe (@jnj_bricks) on Flickr:
John Snyder (@littlejohn_brickbuilt) on Flickr::
Jen Spencer on Flickr:
jarekwally on Flickr:
Vincentkiew (@vincentkiew73) on Flickr:
Alexander Bing on Flickr:
What a fantastic post! The author’s expertise really shines through, and the content is rich with helpful advice and tips. chick-fil-a menu with prices and pictures