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#2382 TECHNIQUE DISCUSSION: Toilets by @brickdesigned and others

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The humble toilet. You think it would be an afterthought, but in both sets and MOCs it has recently become an opportunity for some pretty clever techniques! Today we'll examine a variety of builds by @brickdesigned, some official LEGO sets, and some other MOCs that are creative in how they approach toilets and other restroom fixtures.

In addition to @brickdesigned, featuring builds by @wooootles, Nicks Incredible Bricks on LEGO Ideas, and -derjoe- on Flickr.

Number 2382, Technique Discussion: Toilets by @brickdesigned and others  Today's post is the perfect restroom reading material! From official sets to creative MOCs, LEGO toilets have become a technique of their own. Swipe to take the plunge!  Images of several toilets by @brickdesigned, with plungers and rolls of toilet paper. The plungers use various parts, including a 2 by 2 truncated cone, a 2 by 2 round brick, a 2 by 2 dome bottom, a 2 by 2 round plate, and even a stormtrooper helmet for bowls, with plates, slopes, tiles, and ingots for the tanks.

In official LEGO sets  After years of LEGO buildings existing with seemingly no restrooms, they became a staple of the modular line.  The posh honeymoon suite in Boutique Hotel (set number 10297) includes a gold toilet paper holder made from a nozzle.  Image of bathroom from the Boutique Hotel focused on the toilet bowl and toilet paper roll. The pearl gold nozzle, part number 60849, is called out.  Jazz Club (set number 10312) features a white technic spacer for a shorter toilet paper roll.  Image of the small restroom from the Jazz Club, which includes a toilet bowl with a round trans-light blue tile in it as water. The technic spacer, part number 18654, is called out.  Additionally, countless construction sets and vehicles include their own spin on a porta potty, including this one from the Service Truck (set number 60073).  Image of the porta potty from the Service Truck, with one of the worker minifigures running into it with toilet paper roll in hand.

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Ninjago City Markets (set number 60379) included one of the more fascinating toilets to date – one that actually flushes!

Videos of the flushing mechanism for Ninjago City Markets in action.

This demonstration was included in part 2 of our set review, post number 2347!

Image of the title slide from the Ninjago City Markets set review post.

Toilets by @brickdesigned   @brickdesigned on Instagram is a master of household builds, including many different types of toilets and restrooms!  This elaborate bathroom wall includes a flotation ring for a toilet seat and gold taps for the roll holder!  Image of a bathroom wall, with double sink, medicine cabinet, and toilet. There is a zoom on the toilet, and a callout of two parts: The pearl gold tap nozzle (part number 4599b) and the white flotation ring (part number 30340).  Toilet builds can also be quite simple, like the one below that uses just three parts – a teacup, 1 by 1 plate with vertical clip, and 1 xby1 half-circle tile.  Image of a tiny toilet build using just three parts.  Flush handles are another opportunity for creativity. This combination of toilet, wall, and plunger cleverly uses a minifigure hand.  Image of three standalone builds - a toilet, a section of wall with toilet paper hung, and a plunger - with the light bluish gray minifigure hand as flush handle (part number 983) called out.

Also from @brickdesigned, this very realistic public restroom could use a good cleaning. Font size for regular text (credits, headings and reference are exceptions):  The colourful tile pattern of alternating dark blue and light bluish grey breaks up the otherwise sterile white wall.  The pink urinal cake is a nice touch.  Looks like somebody missed!  Image of public restroom. There is a toilet stall with sand blue walls and two urinals beside it. One urinal has a cake inside it, represented by a pink 1 by 1 tile. Next to the second urinal is a yellow 1 by 1 round tile to represent errant urine. There is a tile pattern pattern above the urinals using alternating dark blue and light bluish gray plates.  Skeleton legs hold up the otherwise free-standing stall walls.  This part needs no explanation. (Poop Emoji)  Image of inside the toilet stall. There is a toilet bowl with fecal matter inside, represented by a reddish brown 1 by 1 round horizontal swirl. The side wall of the stall includes a toilet paper dispenser. Parts 53119 (the swirl) and 6266 (the light bluish gray skeleton leg) are called out.

For some Star Wars fans, this might be the most appropriate use of the Stormtrooper helmet.  This short cattle horn for the flush handle is another inspired touch!  Image of three standalone builds - toilet paper on a freestanding holder, a toilet with stormtrooper head for a bowl and small cattle horn for a flush handle, and a red plunger with reddish brown handle. The cattle horn (part 64847) is called out.  The highlight of this porta potty is the subtle toilet paper roll holder, which is a bucket handle wedged into the bottom of a 2 by 2 plate.  Two angles of the porta potty - one with the door closed and another with the door open. On the inside image, the bucket handle (part number 95344) is called out.  Love these designs? Follow @brickdesigned for more great builds of everyday items! Now, let's take a look at some toilets by other clever builders…

This brick-built design received 10,000 votes on LEGO Ideas but was not selected for production. At 22 cm tall and consisting of 550 pieces, it’s certainly unique among the builds featured here!  By Nicks Incredible Bricks (on LEGO Ideas)  Image of a large toilet with lego minifigure sitting on the edge of the bowl. It also includes a small toilet and a desicriptive label on a 6 by 12 tile with studs on edge. There are also a few accessories - minifig-scale plunger and toolbox, and a toilet brush at the scale of the larger toilet.  The top lifts off and the back is see-through, offering two ways to see the working mechanical parts inside!  Image of the back of the toilet with top lifted off. All of the mechanical parts of the toilet are visible, including the float rod and ball, chain and flapper, and overflow tube.  Includes a toilet bowl scrubber with two vehicle brush parts (#2498) on the scrubbing end.

There is no shortage of interesting techniques for toilet-related builds!  The toilet in this modern bathroom features a 1 x 1 round tile on top for a push-button flush.  Image of modern-looking bathroom with a toilet with a push-button flush on top, by @wooootles  Another messy public restroom! This one features a car door as unrolled paper and a brown frog as unflushed… material.  Image of public restroom with two stalls, by -derjoe- (on Flickr). One stall has a toilet paper roll with an unrolled length, represented by a white car door (part number 3821). The other has an unflushed poop, represented by a reddish brown frog (part number 33320).  Do you like to put restrooms in your MOCs? Did any of these techniques inspire you? Let us know what you liked in the comments!


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