#2462 HISTORY OF: A Guide to LEGO Castle Part 2 LEGO Castle 2007, also known as Castle Fantasy, embraces the fantasy elements of the original Castle Kingdom much more.We looked up a lot of Info and also took some pictures from here:https://brickipedia.fandom.com/wiki/Castle_(theme)Here a Link to the Magazines Club Archive:https://archive.org/details/LEGOMagazineUS-MarchApril2008-Miniland/mode/2up
LEGO Castle 2007, also known as Castle Fantasy, embraces the fantasy elements of the original Castle Kingdom much more.We looked up a lot of Info and also took some pictures from here:https://brickipedia.fandom.com/wiki/Castle_(theme)Here a Link to the Magazines Club Archive:https://archive.org/details/LEGOMagazineUS-MarchApril2008-Miniland/mode/2up