Forced perspective is difficult to achieve, and these builders absolutely nail it! Trick your eye with these builds, and learn a clever cinematic technique along the way.
Builds by @jnj_bricks @littlejohn_brickbuilt @letrangerabsurde @grantdvs1 @hubba_blooba @humblebricks and Ru Corder and Livin’TheBrickLife on Flickr
Also check out these @bricknerd articles:
Forced Perspective FTW
TECHNIQUE DISCUSSION: The concept of 'Forced Perspective' is so interesting! A certain example regarding this came before me lately while researching for one of my projects. It's just great to think how much creativity goes into creating an illusion that plays with the human mind. While working on it, I came across Cheap Assignment Help UK, and they were a savior in workload management. The services gave me ample time to research more on such techniques as Forced Perspective, rather than being stressed by short deadlines.